Beyond the Dovakiin, become Dovakendov!

Beyond the Dovakiin, become Dovakendov!

Spirits of the Ancients will be a long questline, bringing in elements of the game Legend of the Dragoon, and combining lore elements from both games to create an experience much like the Legend of the Dragoon game including dragon boss battle, mystery, and of course Dragoon Armor.
Take the spirit of an ancient dragon and forge it into the armor designed by dwemer ages ago and forgotten, become more than the Dovakiin! Become the Dovakendov, Dragon Warrior!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Breaking Ground

Well with the Creation Kits release I am testing it out by constructing the first dungeon of the questline. It will be located near Karthspire where the player is required to find another piece of the Dragon Tablet.

I am still looking for more people to join me on this project, but so far, no one has stepped up. I do hope to complete Spirits of the Ancients but if no help arrives, it may become a lost cause.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Beginning

Well with the creation kit coming out tomorrow, the questline still needs editting, but I figured it was a good plan to create a blog to keep track of the progress on this project. This will be a long questline being added onto the game just before going to Sovngarde to kill Alduin. It will be expansive and hopefully immersive starting in Whiterun from that Dragon Tablet the player loots from the first barrow they encounter outside of Riverrun. I am hoping to expand some Dwemer lore and Ancient Nord lore, the old dragon worshippers. I hope this mod to be the first of possibly three, a trilogy that will tell a tale and bring to culmination the Dragoons in Tamriel.

Support us if you can, as we are still looking for a number of individuals, mainly 3d modelers and texture folks.

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